Monday, December 04, 2006

Scotland Day Two

I spent the day in the city of Perth where I had a bowl of wonderful Italian bean soup then went to a concert with cello and harpsichord.

Oh and I bought hiking boots and gaiters so that I can go out on the hills tomorrow. Nice weather today, clear with blue sky.


At 12:29 PM , Blogger KJ said...

I trust for your sake that there is not a direct one-to-one correlation between a bowl of bean soup and cello/harpsichord concert. Remember, you're representing the rest of us!

At 12:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

KJ, so glad i am not the only one to see that connection :)

Peterson, I wish I could be right there beside you hiking in the hills (although you most certainly would have to put up with me singing Sound of Music) ... god I need a break :)

At 2:10 PM , Blogger Elliot Coale said...

I'm jealous! And I already miss you!

At 4:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gaiters! Can't go wrong with Gaiters. :) Glad to hear you're having fun. Good luck with the hiking, and try not to fall off any cliffs or anything.

BTW, click on my name above to go straight to my new comic Hero/Villain. Now with extra gay agenda! :)

At 7:15 PM , Blogger MadPriest said...

I continue to pray for your safety, my friend. Remember civilisation is only a two hour car journey due south.

At 8:53 AM , Blogger Heath said...

Peterson, I'm so insanely jealous! Scotland looks so gorgeous! My best friend is going to study abroad over there next semester... sooo jealous of both of you guys :-P

Glad to see you're doing well, I hope things are going great for you!

At 11:58 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

KJ and anna hp, I have no idea what you are talking about. There were no woodwinds on the stage (but perhaps in the audience) There was a little snoring. Hey, it was after lunch.

To all the envious souls out there (elliot and heath) break you piggy banks and come on over!

madpriest, South? Who wants to go South? I want to head further NORTH! Inverness here I come!

willie hewes. WOW! And extra spicy gay agenda too! Sweet.

Joe, you will be pleased to learn that you are known here, and not just for your recent UK misadventures. I met at least one of your listeners in Edinburgh, a Quaker.

Of course now that you are a backslider and a post-toasties-Quaker, you will most likely lose him. Maybe you need to throw in another Quaker guest to string along that much longer the Friends who still listen.


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